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into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. And Jesus said to the centurion: Go, and as thou hast believed, so be it done to thee. And the servant was healed at the same hour.

Why did the leper say to Jesus, " Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean "?

Because he believed Jesus to be the promised Messias, Who, as true God, had the power to heal him. When we pray, we must be careful not to prescribe to God what He shall give us, but begin by saying, "If it be pleasing to Thee, and advantageous to me, give me this or that grace.

Why did Jesus stretch forth His hand and touch him?

So that he might understand that his leprosy was to be healed. Let us also imitate the example of Jesus by assisting each other in sickness, not shirking this work of charity from aversion or excessive delicacy.

Why did Jesus say, "I will, be thou made clean "? To reveal His almightiness, and to show that all things were subject to Him.

Why did Jesus say, " See thou tell no man"?

To show His modesty and humility, and to teach us, when we do good works, not to speak of them, thus losing our reward (Matt. vi. 2, 3).

What does the Saviour mean by saying, Go show thyself to the priest"?

1. Christ wished to show His respect for the law of Moses, for lepers were required to show themselves to the priests, who were to decide whether they were clean or not. He also teaches us that priests should receive their proper respect. 2. He reminded him who was cleansed to give thanks to God by offering the gift which Moses commanded.

What does the solicitude of the centurion teach us? That masters and mistresses should take care of their sick servants, and do what they can to restore them to health.

Why did Our Saviour say, "I will come and heal him"? To show His profound humility, for although He was God, and the Lord of lords, He did not hesitate to visit a poor servant.