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Take what is thine, and go thy way: I will also give to this last even as to thee. Or, is it not lawful for me to do what I will? is thy eye evil because I am good? So shall the last be first, and the first last; for many are called, but few chosen.

In these parables what is to be understood by the master of a family, the vineyard, the laborers, and the penny?

The master of a family is God, Who calls all men as laborers to His vineyard of the true religion, or Church, and to receive the promised penny, which is the divine grace and eternal salvation.

How and when does God call men?

By the instruction of parents and teachers, by preachers and confessors, by spiritual books, edifying conversation, good examples and inspirations; in early youth, in manhood, and in old age which stages of human life are also signified by the different hours of the day.

Who are the laborers in the vineyard?

Those who work, combat, and suffer for God and His honor, for their own salvation and that of others, particularly spiritual teachers.

How should we work in the vineyard of the Lord?

As in a vineyard men must dig, destroy the weeds, cut off what is useless and bad, manure, plant, and bind, in like manner must we, in the spiritual vineyard of our souls, destroy the weeds of vice by rooting out sinful inclinations and their causes, and by real penance. In other words: 1. We must hate every sin. 2. We must produce in ourselves a fervent desire to destroy vice. 3. We must earnestly beg God's grace, without which we can do nothing. 4. We must attend zealously at instructions, sermons, and catechism. 5. We must often go to confession and communion, and follow our confessor's directions. 6. Every morning we must make firm resolutions, and every night an examination of conscience. Y. We must read in some spiritual book, treating of the predominant sin which we have to root out. 8. We must venerate some saint who in life committed the same sin, as, for instance, Mary Magdalen, who from being a great sinner became a great penitent. 9. We must fast, give alms, and do other good works.