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spirit sensual lusts. St. James calls it a mirror, in which a man beholding himself and his sins becomes ashamed, and tries to get free from them (James i. 23). It is, finally, the good seed, which, falling upon good ground, yields fruit a hundredfold.

What must we do before a sermon?

St. Chrysostom asks, " Who pours a precious liquid into an unclean vessel, before he has washed it? " We should, there fore, cleanse our hearts before a sermon by contrition, " for wisdom will not enter into a malicious soul (Wis. i. 4). As the ground to be sown must first be prepared, so must our hearts be cleansed, and made ready by a holy desire of learning what is good.

What must we do during a sermon?

We must listen attentively and respectfully, for it is God Who speaks to us through the preacher: He that heareth you, heareth Me " (Luke x. 16). If an ambassador reading the let ters of his king is listened to with great attention, quiet, and respect, says St. Chrysostom, how much greater veneration should we not pay to the minister of God announcing His holy will? Be careful, therefore, not to show contempt for the preacher, for that will reach back to God, Who has said, "He that despiseth you, despiseth Me " (Luke x. 16). Be careful not to apply what is said in the sermon to others, but rather i take heed to thyself" (i. Tim. iv. 16). If you are free from those sins which the sermon points at, thank God, and pray that you may not fall into them.

What must we do after a sermon?

We must endeavor to practise what we have heard; for God justifies, not the hearers of the law, but only the doers (Rom. ii. 13) of it. In order to practise what we hear in the sermon it is necessary, in the first place, to keep it in our minds, to ponder it carefully and remember it. Christ, therefore, blesses those who hear the word of God and keep it (Luke xi. 28). The seed cannot bring forth fruit if not well covered with good ground, warmed by the sun, moistened by the rain and dew, and cared for in other ways. Finally, pray often to God, that He may keep alive in you the divine truths which you have heard.