Page:Golden Fleece v1n1 (1938-10).djvu/125

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An American Mandarin

he set about raising a larger army. Ward received official support but encountered opposition from the foreign consuls, particularly the British, who arrested him. Escaping from a warship where he was confined he went ahead with his organizing. In due time he had a well-trained and diciplined army of three regiments, about 4,000 men. With this force he began a successful campaign. A series of victories followed including Tsingpu, where Ward, then brevet brigadier-general, was cited for gallantry in action. With the capture of Ningpo, the French and British military authorities ceased regarding Ward as an outlaw adventurer, recognized his great military genius, and welcomed his aid. With his co-operation Shanghai was saved from capture and a 30-mile radius around the city cleared of rebels. His legion inspired such fear in the Tai-pings that the title of "Ever Victorious Army" was bestowed upon it. Ward was made admiral-general and mandarin of the first class. Not only was he a natural leader—tradition has it that he was loved by his soldiers while Gordon was merely respected—but absolutely fearless. In battle Ward invariably went unarmed though he always carried a riding-whip or cane. This custom followed by Gordon has since become universal in the British service.

In an assault upon Tziki, Ward was mortally wounded. He died the following day, September 21, 1862, at Ningpo. At his own request he was buried at Sungkiang near the temple of Confucius, and close to the drill-field where he had trained the "Ever Victorious Army." A magnificent state funeral was accorded him and later a memorial temple was erected in his honor. Here grateful Chinese offered sacrifices to his spirit. Ward left a young widow, Chang Mei, daughter of Takee.

Upon Ward's death, command of the legion fell to Captain Burgevine who was soon dismissed in favor of Captain Holland. Holland, following defeat at Tai-Tsan, went the way of Burgevine. Li Hung Chang, governor-general of Kiangsu, applied to the British for a commander and Charles George Gordon was loaned. Gordon, at the head of Ward's old army, was successful almost at once. In July, 1864, Nanking was taken. The rebellion was completely stamped out the following year. While Gordon probably deserved all the honors he received, it should be remembered that he succeeded to an already efficient fighting machine, with the task of suppressing the rebellion well advanced.

Ward's daring enterprise justified itself in the teeth of foreign opposition and Chinese jealousy. Other Chinese armies resented the superior attitude of Ward's native soldiers. Officials worried over costs of maintenance. Widespread gossip credited Ward with untoward ambitions though his actions revealed none.

Although he had become a Chinese and adopted Chinese customs, Ward, shortly before his death, offered his services to the United States. He gave 10,000 taels to the Union cause, and had the Trent affair resulted in war with Great Britain, Ward had planned to seize the British warships and merchant vessels in Chinese waters. Just as the execution at Trujillo of his old chief William Walker, deprived the Confederacy of a great general, so was Ward's untimely death at Ningpo a great loss to the Union army.