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S. Anthony

gold that he found in this way, which the devil had cast for to deceive him, which he took and cast it into the fire and anon it vanished away. After, it happed that S. Anthony on a time was in prayer, and saw in a vision all the world full of snares and gins. Then cried S. Anthony and said: 'O good Lord, who may escape from these snares?' And a voice said to him : 'Very humility shall escape them without more.'

A young man passed by S. Anthony and his bow in his hand, and beheld how S. Anthony played with his fellows, and was evil apaid. Then S. Anthony said to him that he should bend his bow, and so he did, and shot two or three shots tofore him, and anon he unbent his bow. Then demanded him S. Anthony why he held not his bow bent. And he answered that it should then be over weak and feeble; then said to him S. Anthony: 'In likewise play the monks, for to be after more strong to serve God.'

Some hermits came to S. Anthony for to visit him, and their abbot was with them ; then said S. Anthony to the hermits: 'Ye have a good wise man with you'; and after he said to the abbot: 'Thou hast founden good brethren.' Then answered the abbot: 'Truly I have good brethren, but there is no door on their house ; each body may enter that will, and go into the stable and unbind the ass of within.' And this said he because that the brethren had overmuch their mouths open to speak, for anon as they have thought on a thing is it come to the mouth. Then S. Anthony said: 'Ye ought to know that there be three bodily movings, that one is of