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S. Brandon

days following, and they took then Judas, trembling for fear, with them to pain.

And after, S. Brandon sailed southward three days and three nights, and on the Friday they saw an yland, and then S. Brandon began to sigh and said: 'I see the yland wherein S. Paul the hermit dwelleth, and hath dwelled there forty years without meat and drink ordained by man's hand.' And when they came to the land, S. Paul came and welcomed them humbly. He was old and foregrown, so that no man might see his body, of whom S. Brandon said weeping: 'Now I see a man that liveth more like an angel than a man; wherefore we wretches may be ashamed that we live not better.' Then S. Paul said to S. Brandon: 'Thou art better than I, for our Lord hath showed to thee more of his privities than he hath done to me, wherefore thou oughtest to be more praised than I.' To whom S. Brandon said: 'We be monks, and must labour for our meat, but God hath provided for thee such meat as thou boldest thee pleased, wherefore thou art much better than I.' To whom S. Paul said: 'Sometime I was a monk of S. Patrick's Abbey in Ireland, and was warden of the place whereas men enter into S. Patrick's Purgatory: and on a day there came one to me, and I asked him what he was, and he said: I am your abbot Patrick; and charge thee that thou depart from hence to-morn early to the seaside, and there thou shalt find a ship into which thou must enter, which God hath ordained for thee, whose will thou must accomplish. And so the next day I arose and went forth and found the ship, in which I entered, and by the purveyance of