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S. Gregory

And the provost said that there was no more silver in all the abbey, but a dish of silver in which his mother was wont to send him pottage. And S. Gregory commanded anon that that dish of silver should be given to him and the angel took it with great joy. And little while after, this angel appeared to S. Gregory and said to him that God hath sent him so to him.

It happed afterward that as S. Gregory passed through the market of Rome, and saw there two fair children white and ruddy of visage and of fair yellow hair which were for to sell. And S. Gregory demanded from whence they were, and the merchant answered, of England. After S. Gregory demanded if they were christian, and he answered: Nay, but that they were paynims. Then sighed S. Gregory and said: 'Alas, what fair people hath the devil in his doctrine and in his domination!' After, he demanded how these people were called: he answered that they were called Angles-men; then he said: 'they may well be so called, for they have the visage of angels.' And for that S. Gregory went to the pope, and by great prayers he impetred and had grant that he was sent in to England for to convert the people of the same country. But when the Romans heard say that Gregory was sent into England, anon they went to the pope and said to him: 'Thou hast angered S. Peter, thou hast destroyed all Rome, and hurt all holy church in this that thou hast let Gregory go out of Rome.' Of which word the pope was angry and much abashed, and sent anon his messengers after S. Gregory, and commanded