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250. 28, " comforted ": strengthened; not at all in the modern sense, as the context shows.

253. 32. " lavas ": excess, looseness; French lav ache; same words as the modern adj lavish. The sense of " flood " easily comes from Latin lav are.

254. 31. " mat ": dull, heavy; German matt.

260. 16. "windowed": appears to mean fretted in open-work.

Clare was at once the unswervingly loyal disciple of Francis and his trusted counsellor. Even against the well-meant relaxations offered by popes she gently persisted in maintaining for her nuns his ideal of perfect poverty. At her convent in Assisi is still preserved as a precious relic and charter the unique " privilege " which she obtained from ' Gregory IX.—the privilege that her " Poor Clares"

(as they were afterwards called) should never be compelled to accept possessions or revenues. It was she who encouraged Francis in his greatest difficulties, and urged him to continue his mission to the people at a time when he thought his vocation lay rather in a life of solitude and prayer. Her character seems to have combined great strength with gentleness. Her spiritual children in many places at the present day still maintain the strict poverty which she taught them to cherish.