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S. Christopher

them in the faith, and commanded them that they should bind his hands behind his back, and lead him so bound to the king. And when the king saw him he was afeard and fell down off the seat, and his servants lifted him up and relieved him again. And then the king inquired his name and his country; and Christopher said to him: 'Tofore or I was baptized I was named Reprobus, and after I am Christopher; tofore baptism a Canaanee, now a christian man.' To whom the king said: 'Thou hast a foolish name, that is to wit of Christ crucified, which could not help himself, ne may not profit to thee. Now therefore, thou cursed Canaanee, why wilt thou not do sacrifice to our gods?' To whom Christopher said: 'Thou art rightfully called Dagarus, for thou art the death of the world, and fellow of the devil, and thy gods be made with the hands of men.' And the king said to him: 'Thou wert nourished among wild beasts, and therefore thou mayst not say but wild language, and words unknown to men. And if thou wilt now do sacrifice to the gods I shall give to thee great gifts and great honours, and if not, I shall destroy thee and consume by great pains and torments.' But, for all this, he would in no wise do sacrifice, wherefore he was sent in to prison, and the king did do behead the other knights that he had sent for him, whom he had converted. And after this he sent in to prison to S. Christopher two fair women, of whom that one was named Bisena and that other Aquilina, and promised to them many great gifts if they could draw Christopher to sin with them. And when