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For what more foul than man conceived in sin? What more pure than Christ conceived by the operation of the Holy Ghost? " Dilectus mens candidus et rubicunduSf electus ex milihus:"[1] "My beloved," saith the spouse in the canticles " is white, and ruddy chosen out of thousands;" yet, notwithstanding, most pure, most beautiful. Christ took unto himself all the spots of our souls; from which, that he might cleanse us, (as you may see him upon the cross,) he would be pleased to defile himself with the filth of our impurity. Consider, lastly, with what words our blessed Saviour closed up this humble action: " Exemplum enim dedi vobis ut quemadmodum ego feci vohis, ita, et vos facialis." "For I have given you an example, that as I have done to you, so you do also."[2] Which words do not only pertain to this present action and example of humility, but likewise to all the actions of Christ throughout his whole life, which is a most absolute and perfect rule for us to square our actions by, especially of humility, which is here to life represented unto us.

  1. Cant. v 10
  2. John xiii 15