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verence, never to esteem ourselves so high in his favor, as to neglect to cast down our eyes upon our own baseness, and to shrowd our wings in the presence of so great a majesty, as holy Augustine was wont to do, of whom it is written, that he had learned to rejoice before God with fear and trembling.


We have heretofore counselled the servant of God, that he consecrateth some certain time of the day to recollection. But now besides the ordinary course, we say, that he must sometimes sequester himself from all business and employments, as much as is possible, and give himself wholly over to devotion, the better to nourish his soul with the abundance of spiritual dainties, recovering his daily losses, and getting new force to go forward in his spiritual journey. Which, although it be not amiss to do at all times, yet more specially, upon the principal feasts of the year, in the time of temptation; after a long journey; after troublesome business, which gave matter of much distraction, that when we exclude from our souls all exterior things, and call ourselves back again to the point from whence we did digress.


There be many who be not discreet in their spiritual exercises, when they enjoy heavenly consolations, and it oftentimes falleth out, that this prosperity doth expose them to mani-