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Good Newes from New-England.

them till they begun with vs, they ſhould haue no cauſe to feare. And if any hereafter ſhould raiſe any ſuch reports, they ſhould puniſh them as liers and ſeekers of their and our diſturbance, which gaue the Indians good ſatisfaction on all ſides.

After this wee proceeded in our voyage to the Maſſachuſets, where wee had good ſtore of Trade, and (bleſſed be God) returned in ſafety, though driuen from before our Towne in great danger and extremitie of weather.

At our returne, we found Maſſaſſowat at the Plantation, who made his ſeeming iuſt Apologie for all former matters of accuſation, being much offended and inraged againſt Tiſquantum, whom the Gouernour pacified as much as hee could for the preſent. But not long after his departure, hee ſent a meſſenger to the Gouernour, intreating him to giue way to the death of Tiſquantum, who had ſo much abuſed him. But the Gouernour anſwered; Although hee had deſerued to die both in reſpect of him and vs; yet for our ſakes hee deſired hee would ſpare him, and the rather becauſe without him hee knew not well how to vnderſtand himſelfe, or any other the Indians. With this anſwer the meſſenger returned, but came againe not long after, accompanied with diuers others, demanding him from Maſſaſſowat their Maſter, as being one of his ſubiects, whom by our firſt Articles of peace wee could not retaine: yet becauſe hee would not willingly doe it without the Gouernours approbation, offered him many Beuers skins for his conſent thereto, ſaying, that according to their manner, their Sachim had ſent his owne knife, and them therewith, to cut off his head and hands, and bring them to him. To which the Gouernor anſwered; It was not the manner of the Engliſh to ſell mens liues at a price, but
