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and ſo loſt them both a ſecond time. But the ſtorme being ouer, and ſeeking out, they found them both, not hauing receiued any great hurt. Whileſt they were at Nauſet, hauing occaſion to lie on the ſhore, laying their ſhallop in a Creeke not far from them, an Indian came into the ſame, and ſtole certaine Beads, Ciſſers, and other trifles out of the ſame, which when the Captaine miſſed, he tooke certaine of his company with him, and went to the Sachim, telling him what had hapned, and requiring the ſame again, or the party that ſtole them, (who was knowne to certaine of the Indians) or else he would reuenge it on them before his departure, and ſo tooke leaue for that night being late, refuſing whatſoeuer kindneſſe they offered. On the morrow, the Sachim came to their randeuow, accompanied with many men, in a ſtately manner, who ſaluting the Captaine in this wiſe; He thruſt out his tongue, that one might ſee the root thereof, and therewith licked his hand from the wriſt to the fingers end, withall bowing the knee, ſtriuing to imitate the Engliſh geſture, being inſtructed therein formerly by Tiſquantum: his men did the like, but in ſo rude and ſauage a manner, as our men could ſcarce forbeare to break out in open laughter. After ſalutation, he deliuered the Beads, & other things, to the Captain, ſaying, he had much beaten the partie for doing it, cauſing the women to make bread, and bring them, according to their deſire, ſeeming to be very ſorry for the fact, but glad to be reconciled. So they departed, and came home in ſafety; where the corne was equally diuided, as before.

After this the Gouernour went to two other inland Townes, with another company, and bought corne likewiſe of them, the one is called Namasket, the other Manomet. That from Namasket was brought home partly by Indian women; but a great ſickneſſe ariſing amongſt them, our owne men were inforced to fetch