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from the Boat, and not aboue two or three of our men with him, and as many with the ſhallop, was not long at Canacum the Sachims houſe, but in came two of the Maſſachuſets men, the chiefe of them was called Wituwamat, a notable inſulting villaine, one who had formerly imbrued his hands in the bloud of Engliſh and French, and had oft boaſted of his owne valour, and derided their weakneſſe, eſpecially becauſe (as hee ſaid) they died crying, making ſowre faces, more like children than men. This villaine tooke a dagger from about his necke, (which hee had gotten of Maſter Weſtons people) and preſented it to the Sachim, and after made a long ſpeech in an audacious manner, framing it in ſuch ſort, as the Captaine (though he be the beſt Linguiſt amongſt vs) could not gather anything from it. The end of it was afterward diſcouered to be as followeth: The Maſſacheuſeucks had formerly concluded to ruinate Master Weſtons Colonie, and thought themſelues, being about thirty or forty men ſtrong, enough to execute the ſame: yet they durſt not attempt it, till ſuch time as they had gathered more ſtrength to themſelues to make their party good againſt vs at Plimoth, concluding, that if we remained, (though they had no other Arguments to vſe againſt vs) yet we would neuer leaue the death of our Countrymen vnreuenged, and therefore their ſafety could not be without the ouerthrow of both Plantations. To this end they had formerly ſollicited this Sachim, as alſo the other called Ianough at Mattachiest, and many others to aſſiſt them, and now againe came to proſecute the ſame; and ſince there was ſo faire an opportunitie offered by the Captaines preſence, they thought beſt to make ſure him and his company. After this his meſſage was deliuered, his entertainment much exceeded the Captaines, inſomuch as he ſcorned at their behauiour, and told them of it; after which they would haue perſwaded him, be-