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Mrs. Magery Two-Shoes.

periſh who put their Truſt in him. At this Time a Lady, who was juſt come to England, ſent to take a pleaſant Seat ready furniſhed in that Neighbourhood, and the Perſon who was employed for the Purpoſe, was ordered to deliver a Bank Note of an hundred Pounds to Mr. Lovewell another hundred to his Wife, and fifty to the Daughter, deſiring them to take Poſſeſſion of the Houſe, and get it well aired againſt ſhe came down, which would be in two or three Days at moſt. This, to People who were almoſt ſtarving, was a ſweet and ſeaſonable Relief, and they were all ſollicitous to know their Benefactreſs, but of that the Meſſenger himſelf was too ignorant to inform them. However, ſhe came down ſooner than was expected, and with Tears embraced them again and a-

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