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The Renowned Hiſtory of

for there was ſomething ſo droll in thus carrying on the Diſpute, that before they got to the End of the Argument, they ſaw the Abſurdity of it, laughed, kiſſed, and were Friends.

Juſt as Mrs. Margery had ſettled this Difference between John and his Wife, the Children (who had been ſent out to play, while that Buſineſs was tranſacting) returned ſome in Tears, and others very diſconſolate, for the Loſs of a little Dormouſe they were very fond of, and which was juſt dead. Mrs. Margery, who had the Art of moralizing and drawing Inſtructions from every Accident, took this Opportunity of reading them a Lecture on the Uncertainty of Life, and the Neceſſity of being always prepared for Death. You ſhould
