Page:Gospel discovery, or A poem on the life and death of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.pdf/3

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6Wiſe-men from the Eaſt proud Herod inform.
At Bethlehem city a Sav'our is born;
There Herod, his maſter, the devil deceive,
The ſen is all the innocent males to their grave.
7The eternal Father did order it ſo,
That Joſeph and Mary to Egypt did go
with glorious Jeſus, and there for to ſtay,
Till Herod, the tyrant, is taken away.
8The Baptiſt appears, preparing the ground,
For heavenly feed that waste be ſown
On deed, on hard, on barren, dry ground,
A hundred, ſome ſixty, ſome thirty are found.
9Judah’s bold lion Jeruſalem muſt ſee,
Then from Egypt thro’ Naſareth to the temple comes he;
There does begin his myſterious deſign,
To doctors and lawyers,he tells them his mind.
10 The light of the world to Jordan repairs,
To John to baptiſe him, for water was there.
The heavens are open’d; the work is begun,
For God muſt be glorified in his own Son.
11God ſpeaks to ſinners,My Son, my belov’d,
In whom I’m well pleaſed; ſure this may prove,
The Spirit deſcends and lights on our Lord;
John ſeeth the glory and bears the record.
12 Jacob’s bright Star to the wilderneſs goes,
Where Satan aſſults him, but cannot oppoſe;
The devil is beaten and forced to yield;
Still Judah’s bold lion triumphs in the field.
13The Antient of days to Cana he came,
By the word of his power turns water to wine;
Aſtoniſh’d, amaſ’d, his apoſtles behold

The glory of God, as the prophets fortold.