Page:Gospel discovery, or A poem on the life and death of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.pdf/8

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An angel from heaven, the word does me tell
Rolls back the great, stone defies earth and hell
43The women to the ſepulcher then disrepair,
Then. Chriſt’s reſurection did the angel declare
The angel to the women then kindly did ſay,
Jeſus is riſen, come ſee where he lay?
44Then Jeſus appears to Mary, near by,
As ſhe ſtood a weeping, the ſepulcher nigh,
Saying, go to my brethren, tell them from me
That they go to Gallilie, me they ſhall ſee.
45The diſciples ſoon heard the joyful news
In a room being aſſembled, fearing the Jews,
The doors being ſhut, affrighted for harm.
Then Jeſus appears in the midſt of them,
46His love and his peace on them did bestow
Chriſts hands & his ſide he did to them ſhow
Then were they glad, the word bears record.
And grealty rejoiced, when they ſaw the Lord
47The Lord to his people did often appear
After he was riſen, by ſea and by ſhore;
By infallible proofs was ſeen forty days;
Our glorious Redeemer their life was always
48Now our Lord his own people to Bethany, led.
With lifted up hands there bleſt them indeed
Then a change from natural to a ſpiritual
Chriſt Jeſus, triumphing, aſcended on high.