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And the Blessed One said to his disciples;1

"When I have passed away and can no longer address you and edify your minds with religious discourse, select from, among you men of. good family and education to preach the truth in my stead. And let those men be invested with the robes of the Tathāgata, let them enter into the abode of the Tathāgata, and occupy the pulpit of the Tathāgata.2

"The robe of the Tathāgata is sublime forbearance and patience. The abode of the Tathāgata is charity and love of all beings. The pulpit of the Tathāgata is the comprehension of the good law in its abstract meaning as well as in its particular application.5

"The preacher must propound the truth with unshrinking mind. He must have the power of persuasion rooted in virtue and in strict fidelity to his vows.4

"The preacher must keep in his proper sphere and be steady in his course. He must not flatter his vanity by seeking the company of the great, nor must he keep company with persons who are frivolous and immoral. When in temptation, he, should constantly think of the Buddha and he will conquer.5

"All who come to hear the doctrine, the preacher must receive with benevolence, and his sermon must be without invidiousness.6

"The preacher must not be prone to carp at others, or to blame other preachers, nor speak scandal, nor propagate bitter words. He must not mention by name other disciples to vituperate them and reproach their demeanor.7

"Clad in a clean robe, dyed with good color, with appropriate undergarments, he must ascend the pulpit