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  • Vanities, 59.
  • Vanity, 31, 122, 132, 134, 173; vanity of worldliness, 121; vanity of worldly happiness, 3.
  • Various kinds of assemblies, 177.
  • Veil of self-delusion, the, 200.
  • Vessel has become unclean, the, 165.
  • Vessels, 163; vessels made by the potter, 211.
  • Vibrated through sentiency, truth, 225.
  • Victor, the greater, 149.
  • Vision a samana, the, 20.
  • Vows, three, 56.
  • Walk according to the precepts, 141 ; let a man walk alone, 102; the lame walk, 8; walk in the right path, 68.
  • Wander rightly in the world, such a one will, 170.
  • War, goes out to wage, 130; is it wrong to go to war? 147; war in a righteous cause, 148.
  • Warriors are bright, 139,
  • Warriors, destiny of 149.
  • Water, doctrine like unto, 178; fetch me some water, 138; is the water now fit for drinking? 165; our water is all gone,

193; the lotus-flower in water, 51, 75, 118; water gurgling beneath, 193; water for the thirsty, 1; the water of immortality, 149.

  • Waterless desert, a, 141.
  • Ways, the best of, is eightfold, 138.
  • We have no teacher more, 147;
  • Wearisome to the Blessed One, 226.
  • Weary path of transmigration, 137.
  • Welfare, eight conditions of, 220.
  • Well, the woman at the, 196.
  • West, facing towards the, 223; the paradise in the West, 173,
  • What we know not, a union of, 141; what you sow that you will reap, 200.
  • Wheel, the, 51; the wheel of individuality, 65.
  • Where does the wind dwell? 154; where four roads cross, 140; where is Nirvāna? 154; where is the identity of my self? 155.
  • Which is the true self? 158.
  • Who is an outcast? 195; who is the strong man? 125.
  • Why do we give up the pleasures of the world? 172.
  • Why preserve this body of flesh? 242.
  • Wild crane, the, 122.
  • Wind, as a great, 154.
  • Wind dwell? where does the, 154.
  • Wisdom has no dwelling-place, 154. is wisdom a locality? 154; religious wisdom lifts above pleasure, 209; seven kinds of wisdom, 97; sevenfold higher wisdom, 222.
  • Wise man nourishes his mind, the, 189; wise people falter not, 133; wise people fashion themselves, 133.
  • Wishes, five, of Bimbisara, 68
  • Without beholding the physician, 246.
  • Woes, the three, 14.
  • Woman, a worldly, 213; if you see a woman, 93; the woman at the well, 196.
  • Women as a rule are, etc., 228; the first women lay-disciples, 61.
  • Word, last, 2495 word of the Buddhas, 22.