Page:Gospel of Mark in West-Saxon.djvu/23

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gefullode on Iordanes flōde, hyra synna andettende.

6. And Iohannes wæs gescrȳd mid oluendes hǣrum, and fellen gyrdel wæs ymbe his lendenu, and gærstapan and wudu hunig hē ǣt.

7. And hē bodude and cwæð, Strengra cymð æfter mē, þæs ne eom ic wyrðe þæt ic his scēona þwanga būgende uncnytte.

8. Ic fullige ēow on wætere; hē ēow fullað on Hālgum Gāste.

9. And on ðām dagum cōm sē Hǣlend fram Nazareth Galileę, and wæs gefullod on Iordane fram Iohanne.

10. And sōna of ðām wætere hē geseah opene heofonas, and Hāligne Gāst swā culfran āstīgende and on him wunigende;

11. and þā wæs stefn of heofenum geworden, Þū eart mīn gelufoda Sunu, on þē ic gelīcode.

12. And sōna Gāst hine on wēsten genȳdde.

13. And hē on wēstene wæs fēowertig daga and fēowertig nihta; and hē wæs fram Satane gecostnod; and hē mid wilddēorum wæs; and him englas þēnodon.

14. Syððan Iohannes geseald wæs, cōm sē Hǣ-