Page:Gospel of Mark in West-Saxon.djvu/25

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[1, 24—

24. and cwæð, Ēalā Nazarenisca Hǣlend, hwæt is ūs and þē? cōm ðū ūs tō forspillanne? Ic wāt þū eart Godes Hālga.

25. Đā cīdde sē Hǣlend him, and cwæð, Ādumba, and gā of þisum men.

26. And sē unclǣna gāst, hine slītende and mycelre stefne clypiende, him of ēode.

27. Þā wundredon hī ealle swa þæt hi betwux him cwǣdon, Hwæt ys þis? hwæt is þēos nīwe lār, þæt hē on anwealde unclǣnum gāstum bebȳt, and hī hȳrsumiað him?

28. And sōna fērde his hlīsa tō Galilea rice.

29. Hrædlīce of hyra gesamnunge hī cōmon on Simonis and Andreas hūs, mid Iacobe and Iohanne.

30. Sōðlīce þā sæt Simonis swegr hriðigende; and hī him be hyre sǣdon.

31. And genēalǣcende hē hī ūp āhōf, hyre handa gegripenre; and hrædlīce sē fēfor hi forlēt, and hēo þēnode him.

32. Sōðlīce þā hit was ǣfen geworden, þā sunne tō setle ēode, hi brōhton to him ealle þā unhālan and þā ðe wōde wǣron;

33. and eall sēo burhwaru wæs gegaderod tō þǣre dura.