Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/100

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[x, 9-

9. Ic eom geat; swā hwylc swā þurh mē gǣð byð hāl, and gǣð in and ūt, and fint lǣse.[1]

10. Þēof ne cymð būton þæt hē stele, and slēa, and fordō; ic com tō þām þæt hig habbon līf, and habbon genōh.

Ðys [godspel] aceal on sunnandag, fēowertȳne nyht uppan ēastron.

11. Ic eom gōd hyrde; gōd hyrde sylþ his līf for his scēapon.[2]

12. Sē hȳra, sē þe nis hyrde, and sē þe nāh þā scēap, þonne hē þone wulf gesyhþ, þonne flȳhþ hē and forlǣt þā scēap, and sē wulf nimð and tōdrīfð ðā scēap.[3]

13. Sē hȳra flȳhþ for þām þe hē bið āhȳrod, and him ne gebyrað tō þām scēapum.[4]

14. Ic eom gōd hyrde; and ic gecnāwe mīne scēap, and hig gecnāwað mē,

15. swā mīn Fæder can mē, [and] ic can mīnne Fæder; [and ic sylle mīn āgen līf for mīnum scēapum.][5]

16. And ic hæbbe ōðre scēap, þā ne synt of ðisse heorde; and hit gebyrað þæt ic lǣde þā, and hig gehȳrað mīne stefne; and hyt byþ ān heord, and ān hyrde.[6]

  1. B, C, inn; A, fynt.
  2. A, sceapum.
  3. Corp., todrif, B, C, todrifð, A, todryfð.
  4. B, C, sceapun.
  5. All MSS. omit and; Corp., B, C, omit and ic sylle... sceapum; A, in margin, in later hand and ic sylle min agen lif for minum sceapum.
  6. Corp., B, C, ic læde þæge, A, ic læde þa.