Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/105

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xi, 18]
Secundum Iohannem

9. Sē Hǣlend him andswarode and cwæð, Hū ne synt twelf tīda þæs dæges? Gif hwā gǣð on dæg, ne ætspyrnð hē, for þām hē gesyhþ þyses middaneardes lēoht.[1]

10. Gif hē gǣð on niht, hē ætspyrnð, for þām þe lēoht nis on hyre.[2]

11. Đās ðing hē cwæð; and syððan hē cwæð tō him, Lazarus ūre frēond slǣpð; ac ic wylle gān and āwreccan hyne of slǣpe.[3]

12. His leorningcnihtas cwǣdon, Drihten, gif hē slǣpð, hē byþ hāl.

13. Sē Hǣlend hit cwæð be his dēaþe; hi wēndon sōðlice þæt hē hyt sǣde be swefnes slǣpe.

14. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend openlice tō him, Ladzarus ys dēad.[4]

15. And ic ēom blīþe for ēowrum þingon, þæt gē gelȳfon, for þām ic næs þār; ac uton gān tō him.[5]

16. Đā cwææð Thomas tō hys gefēran, Uton gān and sweltan mid him.[6]

I7. Đā for sē Hǣlend, and gemette þæt hē wæs forðfaren, and for fēower dagon bebyrged.[7]

18. Bethania ys gehende Ierusalem ofer fȳftȳne furlang.[8]

  1. Corp., ætspynð, A, B, C, ætspyrnð.
  2. A, for þam þe þæt leoht.
  3. C, frend.
  4. A, Lazarus.
  5. A, þyngum; Corp., A, B, C, þara (for þar).
  6. A, geferum; B, C, geferon.
  7. A, dagum.
  8. A, hierusalem; C, fiftyne.