Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/109

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xi, 52]
Secundum Iohannem

45. Manega þāra Iudea þe cōmon tō Marian and gesāwon ðā þing þe hē dyde gelȳfdon on hine.[1]

46. Hī sume fōron tō þām Phariseon, and sǣdon him þā ðing þe sē Hǣlend dyde.

Ðys [godspel] sceal twām dagum ǣr palmsunnandæge.

47. Witodlīce þā bisceopas and þā Pharisei gaderydon gemōt, and cwǣdun, Hwæt dō wē? for þām þēs man wyrcð mycel tācn.[2]

48. Gif wē hine forlǣtaþ, ealle gelȳfað on hine; and Romane cumað and nimað ūre land and ūrne þēodscipe.

49. Hyra ān wæs genemned Caiphas, sē wæs ðā on gēre bisceop, and cwæð tō him, Gē nyton nān þing,[3]

50. nē ne geþenceað þæt ūs ys betere þæt ān man swelte for folce, and eall þēod ne forwurde.[4]

51. Ne cwæð hē þæt of him sylfum; ac þā hē wæs þæt gēr bisceop, hē wītgode þæt sē Hǣlend sceolde sweltan for ðǣre þēode;[5]

52. and nā synderlīce for þǣre dēode, ac þæt hē wolde gesomnian tōgædere Godes bearn þe tōdrifene wǣron.

  1. A, þæra.
  2. B, C, biscopas; A, gaderodon; A, cwædon; A, mycele tacna.
  3. A, heora; A, eare (for gere); A, bysceop, B, C, biscop.
  4. A, geþencað; A, forweorðe.
  5. A, ear (for ger); A, bysceop, B, C, biscop; A, wytegode.