Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/131

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xvi, 20]
Secundum Iohannem

him sylfon, ac hē sprycð þā þing þe hē gehȳrð, and cȳð ēow ðā þing þe tōwearde synt.[1]

14. Hē mē geswutelað; for þām hē nimð of mīnum, and cȳð ēow.

15. Ealle þā þing þe mīn Fæder hæfð synt mīne; for þig ic cwað þæt hē nimð of mīnum, and cȳþ ēow.[2]

Ðys godspel gebyrað ofer ēastron twā wucan on sunnandæg.

16. Nū ymbe ān lȳtel gē mē ne gesēoð; and eft embe lȳtel gē mē gesēoþ, for þām þe ic fare tō Fæder.[3]

17. Đā cwǣdon his leorningcnihtas him betwynan, Hwæt ys þæt hē ūs segð, Ymbe lȳtel gē mē ne gesēoð, and eft embe lȳtel and gē mē gesēoð; and, Þæt ic fare tō Fæder?[4]

18. Hig cwǣdon witodlīce, Hwæt ys þæt hē cwyþ, Embe lȳtel? Wē nytan hwæt hē sprycð.[5]

19. Sē Hǣlend wiste þæt hī woldon hyne āhsian, and hē cwæð tō him, Bē þām gē smēageað betwȳnan ēow, for þām ic sǣde, Embe lȳtel gē mē ne gesēoð, and eft embe lȳtel gē mē gesēoð?[6]

20. Sōð ic ēow secge, þæt gē hēofiað and[7]

  1. A, sylfum; B, C, towerde; A, synd.
  2. A, synd.
  3. Corp., B, C, a lytel, A, an lytel; A, ymbe (for embe).
  4. A, ymbe (twice); A, om. second and.
  5. A, ymbe; B, embe lytel... sprycð originally omitted; the same scribe supplies the omission on the margin, C, embe lyten.
  6. A, acsyan; A, betweonan; A, ymbe (twice).
  7. B, C, heofað.