Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/146

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[xix, 21-

21. Đā cwǣdon þā bisceopas tō Pilate, Ne wrīt ðū Iudea Cyng, ac þæt hē cwǣde, Ic eom Iudea Cyning.[1]

22. Đā cwæð Pilatus, Ic wrāt þæt ic wrāt.[2]

23. Đā þā cempan hine āhēngon, hī nāmon his rēaf, and worhton fēower dǣlas, ǣlcon cempan ānne dǣl; and tunecan: sāo tunece was unāsīwod, and was eall āwefen.[3]

24. Đā cwǣdon hī him betwēonan, Ne slīte wē hȳ, ac uton hlēotan hwylces ūre hēo sȳ; þæt þæt hālige gewrit sȳ gefylled þe þus cwyþ, Hī tōdǣldon him mīne rēaf, and ofer mine rēaf hī wurpon hlott. Witodlīce þus dydon þā cempan.[4]

25. Đā stōdon wið þā rōde þæs Hǣlendes mōdor, and his mōdor swustor, Maria Cleophe, and Maria Magdalenisce.[5]

26. Đā sē Hǣlend gesēah his mōdor, and þone leorningcniht standende þe hē lufode, þā cwæð hē tō his mēder, Wīf, hēr ys þīn sunu![6]

27. Eft hē cwæð tō þām leorningcnihte, Hēr ys þīn mōdor! And of þǣre tīde sē leorningcniht hī nam tō him.[7]

  1. A, cyning (twice); B, ac þæt... cyning supplied by the scribe on the margin.
  2. A, Ic wrat þæt, altered to [þæt þæt] Ic wrat ic wrat (the bracketed words being above the line).
  3. A, ænne; A, unaseowod; B, C, aweuen.
  4. B, C, betwynan; Corp., ures, A, B, C, ure; A, hlot.
  5. A, moder (twice); A, swuster.
  6. B, C, geseh hys; A, moder; Corp., B, C, þæne, A, þone.
  7. A, moder; Fol. 107b of MS. C ends with tide se after which two leaves are lost; there is a note on the margin, "here lacketh a leaf;" the next fol. begins at xx, 22.