Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/148

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[xix, 36-

his gewitnes is sōð; and hē wāt þæt hē sōð sǣde, þæt gē gelȳfon.[1]

36. Ðās þing wǣron gewordene þæt þæt gewrit wǣre gefylled, Ne forbræce gē nān bān on him.

37. [And eft ōðer gewrit segð,] Hī gesēoð on hwæne hig onfæstnodon.[2]

38. Witodlīce Iosep fram Arimathea bæd Pilatum þæt hē mōste niman þæs Hǣlendes līchaman, for þām þe hē wæs þæs Hǣlendes leorningcniht; þis hē dyde dearnunga for ðǣra Iudea ege; and Pilatus him lȳfde. Đā cōm hē, and nām þæs Hǣlendes līchaman.[3]

39. And Nichodemus cōm ðyder, sē þe ǣrest cōm tō þām Hǣlende on niht, and brōhte wyrtgemang and alewan, swylce hundtēontig boxa.[4]

40. Hig nāmon þæs Hǣlendes līchaman, and bewundon hine mid līnenum clāðe mid wyrtgemangum, swā Iudea þēaw ys tō bebyrgenne.[5]

41. Witodlīce þār wæs wyrtūn on ðǣre stōwe þār sē Hǣlend āhangen wæs; and on þām wyrtūne wæs nīwe byrgen, on þǣre þā gȳt nān mann næs ālēd.[6]

  1. A, gewytnys; B, gewitnys.
  2. A, only has And eft oðer gewrit segð, supplied above the line, in a scrawling hand; A, onfæstnodon glossed with sticodon in the same scrawling hand.
  3. A, Wytodlice [æfter þam] ioseph (the bracketed words being above the line); Corp., amarithea, A, B, arimathea; Corp., A, B, pilatus; B, hælyndes (first time); Corp., þære, B, ðæra, A, þæra.
  4. Corp., B, hundteonti, A, hundteontig.
  5. Corp., þaw, A, B, þeaw; A, bebyrgeanne.
  6. A, þær (first time); A, wyrttune (for wyrtune); A, man.