Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/157

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xxi, 25]
Secundum Iohannem

21 Witodlīce þā Petrus þysne gesēah, þā cwæð hē tō þām Hǣlende, Drihten, hwæt sceal þēs?[1]

22. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, [Gif] ic wylle þæt hē wunige ðus oð ic cume, hwæt tō þē? fylig ðū mē.[2]

23. Witodlīce ðēos sprǣc cōm ūt gemang brōþrum, þæt sē leorningcniht ne swylt; and ne cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Ne swylt hē; ac gif ic wylle þæt hē wunige oð ic cume, hwæt tō þē?[3]

24. Þis ys sē leorningcniht þe cȳð gewitnysse be þyson, and wrāt ðās þing; and [] witon þæt hys gewitnys ys sōð.[4]

25. Witodlīce ōðre manega þing synt þe sē Hǣlend worhte; gif ðā ealle āwritene wǣron, ic wēne ne mihte þēs middaneard ealle þā bēc befōn.[5] Amen.[6]

  1. C, geseh; C, scel.
  2. Corp., A, C, ic wylle (for Gif ic wylle); Corp., hwæt altered to cwæð; A, C, hwæt.
  3. C, spæc; Corp., A, C, ac ðus ic (for ac gif ic); C, wylle þe he wunige; A, wunie; Corp., hwæt altered to cwæð, A, C, hwæt.
  4. A, gewytnesse be þyssan; Corp., om. we, A, C, we; Corp., hys gewrit, A, hys gewytnes, C, hys gewitnys.
  5. A, synd.
  6. After Amen C has wulfwi me wrat (Skeat, incorrectly, wulfri).