Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/68

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15. Đā fōr sē man, and cȳðde hit þām Iudean þæt hit wǣre sē Hǣlend þe hyne hǣlde.[1]

16. For þām þā Iudeas ēhton þone Hǣlend, for ðām þe hē dyde þās þing on restedæge.

Ðys godspel sceal on þunresdæg on þǣre fēorðan lenctenwucan.

17. Đā andswarode sē Hǣlend him and cwæð, Mīn Fæder wyrcð oþ þis nū gȳt, and ic wyrce.[2]

18. Þæs þē mā þā Iudeas sōhton hine tō ofslēanne, næs nā for þām ānum þe he þone restedæg bræc, ac for þām þe hē cwæð þæt God wǣre his Fæder, and hine sylfne dyde Gode gelīcne.[3]

19. Witodlīce sē Hǣlend andswarode and cwæþ tō him, Sōð ic ēow secge, Ne mæg sē Sunu nān þing dōn, būton þæt he gesyhþ his Fæder dōn; ðā þing þe he wyrcþ, sē Sunu wyrcð gelīce.

20. Sē lufað þone Sunu, and geswutelað him ealle þā ping þe hē wyrcþ; and māran weorc þonne þās sȳn hē geswutelað him, þæt gē wundrigeon.[4]

21. Swā sē Fǣder āwecð þā dēadan and gelīffæst, swā ēac sē Sunu gelīffæst þā [ðe] hē wyle.[5]

  1. A, B, C, cydde; A, iudeum, B, C, iudeon; A, hyt wæs.
  2. B, C, hælynd; A, om. nu.
  3. Corp., B, C, þæne, A, þone.
  4. A, wundrion.
  5. A, om. swa eac se sunu geliffæst (homœteleuton); Corp., om. ðe, A, B, C, ðe.