Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/77

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vi, 51]
Secundum Iohannem

42. And hig cwǣdon, Hū nis þis sē Hǣlend, Iosepes sunu? wē cunnon his fæder and his mōdor; hūmeta segð þēs, Ic cōm of heofonum?[1]

43. Sē Hǣlend him andswarode and cwæð tō him, Ne murcniaþ ēow betwȳnan.[2]

Ðys [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre pentecostenes wucan.

44. Ne mæg nān man cuman tō mē, būton sē Fæder þe mē sende hyne tēo; and ic hine ārǣre on ðām ȳtemestan dæge.

45. On ðǣra wītegena bōcum is āwriten, Ealle ēaðlǣre beoð Godes. Ǣlc þe gehȳrde æt Fæder, and leornode, cymð tō mē.[3]

46. Ne geseah nān man Fæder, būton sē ðe is [of] Gode, sē gesyhþ Fæder.[4]

47. Sōð ic secge ēow, Sē hæfð ēce līf þe on mē gelȳfð.

48. Ic eom līfes hlāf.

49. Ūre fæderas ǣton heofunlīcne mete on wēstene, and hig synd dēade.[5]

50. Đis is sē hlāf þe of heofonum cōm, þæt ne swelte sē ðe of him ytt.[6]

51. Ic eom lybbende hlāf þe of heofonum cōm; swā hwā swā ytt of ðyson hlāfe, hē leofað on[7]

  1. C, sælend (for se hælend); A, moder; A, heofenum.
  2. A, betweonan.
  3. Corp., ðære, A, B, þæra, C, ðæra.
  4. A, geseh; Corp. om. of, A, B, C, of.
  5. A, heofenlicne.
  6. A, heofenum.
  7. A, heofenum; A, þysson.