Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/17

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[i, 21—

21. Witodlīce hēo cenð sunu, and þū nemst hys naman Hǣlend; hē sōðlīce hys folc hāl gedēð fram hyra synnum.[1]

22. Sōþlīce eal þys wæs geworden þæt gefylled wǣre þæt fram Drihtne gecweden wæs þurh þone wītegan,[2]

23. Sōðlīce sēo fǣmne hæfð on innoðe, and hēo cenð sunu, and hī nemnað his naman Emanuhel, þæt ys gereht on ūre geþēode, God mid ūs.[3]

24. Đā ārās Iosep of swefene, and dyde swā Drihtnes engel him bebēad, and hē onfēng his gemæccean;[4]

25. and hē ne grētte hī. Hēo cende hyre frumcennedan sunu, and nemde hys naman Hǣlend.


Đys [godspel] sceal on twelftandæg.

1. Eornustlīce þā sē Hǣlend ācenned wæs on Iudeiscre Bethleem, on þæs cyninges dagum Herodes, þā cōmon þā tungolwītegan fram ēastdǣle tō Hierusalem,[5]

2. and cwǣdon, Hwǣr[6] ys sē Iudea Cyning þe ācenned ys? Sōðlīce wē gesāwon hys steorran

  1. A, cenneð; A, nemnest his.
  2. A, eall.
  3. A, cenneð; A, emanuel.
  4. A, ioseph; A, swefne; A, genæccan.
  5. A, B, Eornostlice; A, tungel-.
  6. A, hwar.