Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/32

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v, 40]
Secundum Mattheum

dum cwydum, Ne forswere þū; sōðlīce Drihtne þū āgyltst þīne āðās.[1]

34. Ic secge ēow sōþlīce þæt gē eallunga ne swerion, nē þurh heofon, for þām þe hēo ys Godes þrymsetl;[2]

35. nē þurh eorðan, for þām ðe hēo ys hys fōtscamul; nē þurh Hierusalem, for þām þe hēo ys mǣres cyninges ceaster.[3]

36. Nē ðū ne swere þurh þīn hēafod, for þām þe þū ne miht ǣnne locc gedōn hwītne oððe blacne.[4]

37. Sōðlīce sī ēower sprǣc, Hyt ys, hyt ys, Hyt nys, hyt nys; sōðlīce gyf þǣr māre byð, þæt bið of yfele.[5]

38. Gē gehȳrdon þæt gecweden wæs, Ēage for ēage, and tōð for tēð;[6]

39. sōþlīce ic secge ēow, Ne winne gē ongēn þā ðe ēow yfel dōþ; ac gyf hwā þē slēa on þīn swȳþre wenge, gegearwa him þæt ōðer.[7]

40. And þām ðe wylle[8] on dōme wið þē flītan,

  1. Corp., agylst, A, B, agyltst.
  2. A, swerigeon; A heofen.
  3. A, fotsceamel; Corp., cynincges, B, cynincges (c supplied above the line), A, cyninges; Corp., B, cester, A, ceaster.
  4. A, swera.
  5. A, seo, B, sy; B, spæc; A, hyt ys hyt ys hyt nys (erased, leaving that portion of the line blank; the words were afterwards supplied on the erasure in a running hand); A, B, þar.
  6. Corp., Gehyrdon ge, A, B, Ge gehyrdon; A, far toð; B, teð (with e changed from o, or vice versa).
  7. Corp., ēow secge (marked for transposition); A, ongean; A, slea þe (changed order); A, gewenge.
  8. A, B, wyle.