Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/40

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VII, 13]
Secundum Mattheum

swȳnon, þē lǣs hig mid hyra fōtum hig fortredon, and hig þonne ongēan gewende ēow tōslȳton.[1]

Ðys godspel sceal tō gangdagon.

7. Biddaþ, and ēow bið geseald; sēceaþ, and gē hit findaþ; cnuciað, and ēow biþ ontȳned.[2]

8. Witodlīce ǣlc þǣra þe bit, hē onfēhþ; and sē þe sēcð, hē hyt fint; and þām cnuciendum bið ontȳned.[3]

9. Hwylc man is of ēow, gyf his sunu hyne bit hlāfes, sylst þū him stān;[4]

10. oððe gyf hē bytt fisces, sylst þū him nǣddran?[5]

11. Eornustlīce nū gē þe yfle synt cunnun gōde sylena ēowrum bearnum syllan, mycle mā ēower Fæder þe on heofenum ys syleþ gōd þām þe hyne biddað.[6]

12. Eornustlīce ealle þā þing ðe gē wyllen þæt men ēow dōn, dōþ gē him þæt sylfe; þæt ys sōþlīce ǣ and wītegena bebod.[7]

13. Gangað inn þurh þæt nearwe geat; for þon[8]

  1. A, swynum þy læs.
  2. A, secað; A, cnyssað (for cnuciað).
  3. A, seceð; A, fyndeð; A, cnyssendum (for cnuciendum).
  4. A, sylest.
  5. A, byt, B, bitt; A, sylest; A, B, nædran.
  6. A, Eornostlice; A, B, yfele; A, synd; A, cunnon; A, mycele; A, eowre fæder.
  7. A, Eornostlice; A, wyllon; B, witigena.
  8. A, in; B, nearuwe; A, for ðam ðe þæt get.