Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/45

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[VIII, 12—

12. Witodlīce þises rīces bearn bēoð āworpene on þā ȳtemestan þȳstro; þǣr bið wōp and tōþa grīstbitung.[1]

13. And sē Hælend cwæð tō þām hundrydes ealdre, Gā, and gewurþe ðē swā swā þū gelȳfdest. And sē cnapa wæs gehǣled on þǣre tīde.[2]

Đis [godspel] gebyrað on frīgedæg on þǣre twā and twēntugoðan wucan ofer pentecosten.

14. Đā sē Hǣlend cōm on Petres hūse, þā geseah hē hys swegre licgende, and hriþgende.[3]

15. And hē æthrān hyre hand, and sē fēfor hig forlēt; ðā ārās hēo, and þēnode him.[4]

16. Sōþlīce þā hyt ǣfen wæs, hig brōhton him manege dēofolsēoce; and hē ūt ādrǣfde þā unclǣnan gāstas mid hys worde, and hē ealle gehǣlde þā yfel hæbbendan:[5]

17. þæt wǣre gefylled þæt gecweden is þurh Esaiam þone wītegan, þus cweðende, Hē onfēng ūre untrumnessa, and hē ābær ūre ādla.[6]

18. Đā geseah sē Hǣlend mycle menigeo ymbūtan hyne, þā hēt hē hig faran ofer þone mūþan.[7]

  1. A, B, aworpone; A, ytemystan.
  2. A, hundredes; A, geweorðe; A, Amen at the end of the verse.
  3. A, hus; A, hryðigende, B, hriþigende (g above the line).
  4. A, fefer.
  5. A, manige; Corp., defol-, A, B, deofol-.
  6. B, þæt þe gecweden; A, -nyssa; A, B, bær.
  7. A, mycele mænigeo; B, faran (supplied above the line).