Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/75

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[XIII, 31—

31. Hē rehte him þā gȳt ōþer bigspel þus cweþende, Heofena rīce is geworden gelīc senepes corne þæt sēow sē man on hys æcre.[1]

32. Þæt is ealra sǣda lǣst; sōþlīce þonne hit wyxþ, hit is ealra wyrta mǣst, and hit wyrþ trēow, swā þæt heofnan fuhlas cumaþ and eardiaþ on his bōgum.[2]

33. Hē spræc tō him ōþer bigspel and þus cwæð, Heofena rīce is gelīc þām beorman þone þæt wīf onfēng and behȳdde on þrīm gemetum melwes, oð hē wæs eall āhafen.[3]

34. Ealle þās þing sē Hǣlend spræc mid bigspellum tō þām weredum, and nān þing ne spræc hē būtan bigspellum:[4]

35. þæt wǣre gefylled þæs wītegan cwyde, Ic ātȳne mīnne mūþ mid bigspellum; ic bodige dīgelnesse fram middaneardes gesetednesse.[5]

36. Hē forlēt þā ðā mænegeo, and cōm tō his inne; and þā genēalǣhton tō him his leorningcnihtas, and cwǣdon, Ārece ūs þæt bigspell þæs hwǣtes and þæs coccles.[6]

37. Þā andswarude hē him, Sē þe sēow þæt gōde sǣd sē is mannes Sunu.[7]

  1. A, bigspell; B, heofona; A, æcere.
  2. A, wyxt; A, heofenfugelas.
  3. A, bigspell; B, heofona; A, melewes.
  4. Corp., ne spræc (repeated; repetition dotted for deletion).
  5. A, ontyne; A, digolnyssa (altered from deagolnysse); A, gesetednysse.
  6. A, mænio, B, menegeo.
  7. A, andswarode; B, seow (o above the line).