Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/77

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[XIII, 45—

45. Eft is heofena[1] rīce gelīc þām mangere þe sōhte þæt gōde meregrot;

46. þā hē funde þæt ān dēorwyrðe meregrot, þā ēode hē and sealde eall þæt hē āhte, and bohte þæt meregrot.

47. Eft is heofena rīce gelīc āsendum nette on þā sǣ, and of ǣlcum fisccynne gadrigendum;[2]

48. þā hī þā þæt nett ūpp ātugon, and sǣton be þām strande, þā gecuron hig þā gōdan on hyra fatu; þā yflan hig āwurpon ūt.[3]

49. Swā byþ on þisse worulde endunge; þā englas farað and āsyndriað þā yfelan of þǣra gōdra midlene,[4]

50. and āworpað hig on þæs fȳres ofen; þǣr byð wōþ and tōða grīstbitung.[5]

51. Ongyte gē ealle þās þing? Þā cwǣdon hig, Witodlīce wē hit ongytað.[6]

52. Þā sǣde hē him, For þām is ǣlc gelǣred bōcere on heofenan rīce gelīc þām hīredes ealdre þe forð bringð of his goldhorde nīwe þing and ealde.[7]

53. And hit wæs geworden, þā sē Hǣlend geendode þās bigspel, þā fērde hē þanone.[8]

  1. B, hefona
  2. B, heofona; A, gaderiendum.
  3. A, heora; A, B, yfelan.
  4. B, worolde.
  5. B, awurpað; A, þar.
  6. A, hig (for hit).
  7. A, om. he; A, for þam ælc gelæred bocere on heofena rice byð gelyc (changed order); B, heofonan; Corp., of his (repeated; repetition dotted for deletion).
  8. B, færde.