Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/79

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[XIV, 3—

3. Sōðlīce Herodes nam Iohannem, and geband hyne, and sette on cwertern for þām wife Herodiaden, Philippes hys brōþer.

4. Iohannes him sǣde, Nys þē ālȳfed hī tō wīfe tō hæbbenne.[1]

5. And þā hē hyne ofslēan wolde, hē ādrēd him þæt folc, for þām þe hig hæfdon hyne for ǣnne wītegan.[2]

6. Đā on Herodes gebyrddæge tumbude þǣre Herodiadiscean dohtur beforan him; and hit līcode Herode.[3]

7. Þā behēt hē mid āþe hyre tō syllenne swā hwæt swā hēo hyne bǣde.[4]

8. Đā cwæð hēo, fram hyre mēder gemyngod, Syle mē on ānum disce Iohannes hēafod þæs fulluhteres.

9. Đā wæs sē cyning geunrēt for þām āðe, and for þām þe him sǣton mid.[5]

10. And hē āsende þā, and behēafdode Iohannem on þām cwerterne.[6]

11. And man brōhte þā his hēafod on ānum disce, and sealde þām mǣdene, and þæt mǣden hyre mēder.[7]

12. And þā genēalǣhton[8] his leorningcnihtas, and

  1. A, habbanne.
  2. A, anne.
  3. B, gebyrdæge; A, tumbade; A, herodiadiscan dohter.
  4. A, syllanne.
  5. A, geunrotsud.
  6. A, cwearterne.
  7. A, heafud.
  8. B, genealæhtun.