Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/95

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[XVII, 23—

23. and hig ofslēað hyne, and hē ārīst on þām þriddan dæge. Đā wurdon hig þearle geunrōtsode.[1]

24. And þā hē cōm tō Cafarnaum, þā genēalǣhton tō Petre þā þe gafol nāmon, and þus cwǣdon, Ēower lārēow ne gylt hē gafol?[2]

25. Þā cwæð hē, Gyse, hē dēð. And þā hē cōm intō þām hūse, þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Hwæt þincð þē, Symon? æt hwām nimað cyningas gafol oððe toll? of hyra bearnum, hwæðer ðe of fremedum?[3]

26. Đā cwæþ hē, Of fremedum. Þā cwæð hē, Eornostlīce þā bearn synt frīge.[4]

27. Þēah hwæþere þæt wē hī ne geunrōtsigeon, gang tō þǣre sǣ, and wurp þīnne angel ūt, and nim þone ǣrestan fisc, and hys mūþ geopena; þū fintst ǣnne wecg on him; nim þone, and syle for mē and for þē.[5]


Đys [godspel] sceal on sancte Michaeles mæssedæg.

1. On þǣre tīde genēalǣhton hys leorningcnihtas tō þām Hǣlende, and cwǣdon, Hwa wēnst þū ys yldra on heofena rīce?[6]

  1. A, dæg.
  2. A, An þa; A, capharnaum; Corp., genealæton, A, B, genealæhton; Corp., A, B, þæt (for þe); A, gafel (twice).
  3. A, heora; A, om. hwæðer; A, fremdum.
  4. A, fremdum; A, synd.
  5. A, hwæðre, B, hwæþre; A, geunrotsion; A, weorp; A, opena.
  6. B, heofona.