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He told the whole ſtory which when he did hear
He ſaid, Now ſome of my men I do fear,
Has done ſome murder and it it be ſo,
Our ſhip's in great danger if to ſea ſhe does go.
Then on a time his merry men all,
Into the great cabin, to him he did call,
And ſaid my dear ſailors this news I do hear
Does really ſurpriſe me with ſorrow and fear,
The ghoſt which appear d in dead of the night,
And all my brave ſailors does sorely affright,
I fear has been wrong'd by ſome of the crew,
And therefore the perſon I fain now would know.
Then William aſtoniſh'd, did tremble with fear
And begin by the Powers above for to ſwear,
He nothing at all of the matter did know,
But as from the captain he went for to go.
Unto his ſurpriſe his true love did ſee,
With that he inimediately fell on his knee,
Saying, here's my true love, where ſhall I run
, O ſave me or elſe my poor ſoul is undone.
The murder he did confeſs out of hand,
Saying, here before me my Molly doth ſtand,
Poor injur'd ghoſt! thy pardon I crave
And ſoon ſhall follow thee down to the grave.
There was none but the wretch did behold the ſad ſight.
Then roving diſtracted be died in the night;
But when that her parents theſe things did hear,
They ſought for the body of their daughter dear.
Near a place called Southampton in valley ſo deep
The body was found while may did weep,
At the fall of baby and damsel ſo fair,
And in Goſport churchyard they bury'd her there.
I hope this will be a warning to all
Young men who innocent maids do enthral,
Young men be conſtant and be true to your vows
And bleſſings will attend you be ſure all your lives.