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Recommendation 13.4: Increased number of social workers
Increased social worker support (for both recipients and staff), and better referral processes to enable this support, should be implemented.

The Government accepts in principle this recommendation.

The Government recognises the important role social workers play in supporting our community, and connecting Australians with services that support their needs.

The Services Australia Social Work Servicing Strategy (2021–2025) outlines how the agency is transforming the way it delivers social work services. The Strategy was developed in consultation with Services Australia social workers, and draws on their expertise and experience. The vision identified in the Strategy is to ensure "a progressive social work service committed to social justice and helping individuals, families and communities so people can get on with their lives" consistent with the agency's Master Plan, and to provide world-class services to citizens through increased social worker accessibility.

To maximise access to social work support for customers and staff, Services Australia is also exploring additional delivery methods to support connections with customers and continues to respond to customer needs through their preferred method of contact.

Recommendation 15.1: Legislative change better defined in New Policy Proposals
The Budget Process Operational Rules should include a requirement that all New Policy Proposals contain a statement as to whether the proposal requires legislative change in order to be lawfully implemented, as distinct from legislative change to authorise expenditure.

The Government accepts this recommendation.

In providing advice to Cabinet, Ministers, departments and agencies should indicate whether a new policy proposal will require legislative change in order for it to be lawfully implemented, in addition to giving advice on whether legislation is required to authorise expenditure. In circumstances where it has not been possible to determine whether legislative change is required, this should also be clearly stated. Relevant Cabinet procedures will be updated to reflect this.

This recommendation will be implemented by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Department of Finance and the Treasury, in consultation with the Attorney-General's Department.

Government Response | Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme