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appropriate statutory limitation periods for the raising and recovery of social security debts to comprehensively address the issues identified by the Royal Commission.

The Government is committed to improving social security debt arrangements to ensure that debt recovery practices are clear and conducted in a respectful manner.

The Government will continue to implement administrative changes to make the system fairer for those who incur debts, and to reduce the likelihood of recipients incurring a debt in the first place.

If social security recipients do not agree with a debt decision, they can seek an explanation from Services Australia and/or apply for a formal review. Information about opportunities for review is included in Services Australia debt notices and is also available on the Services Australia website. In addition, social security recipients may request an appointment with a Services Australia social worker who can refer them to financial counselling and support services.

Measures to improve the accuracy of social security payments are being implemented as a priority for the Government, reducing the likelihood of debts being incurred due to overpayments. These include the use of Single Touch Payroll (STP) for reporting of employment income. STP has now been implemented for the majority of employers, enabling the pre-filling of social security recipients' employment income reports, and supporting faster and more accurate actual income reporting.

The Australian National Audit Office has also recently completed a performance audit on the accuracy and timeliness of income support, and Services Australia and the Department of Social Services are implementing the agreed recommendations.

Recommendation 19.1: Selection of chief counsel
The selection panel for the appointment of chief counsel of Services Australia or DSS (chief counsel being the head of the entity's legal practice) should include as a member of the panel, the Australian Government Solicitor.

The Government accepts this recommendation.

The Government recognises the specialist input the Australian Government Solicitor or their representative could provide in the selection of the chief legal officers of Services Australia and the Department of Social Services.

Government Response | Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme