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The Government is committed to robust and transparent arrangements for the employment of department secretaries and agency heads. The Government will require the APS Commissioner and the Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to have regard to the outcome of a merit-based appointments process when providing a report to the Prime Minister on a secretary appointment.

Recommendation 23.8: Documenting decisions and discussions
The Australian Public Service Commission should develop standards for documenting important decisions and discussions, and the delivery of training on those standards.

The Government accepts this recommendation.

The Government supports the implementation of standards for documenting important decisions and discussions across the APS.

The Australian Public Service Commission will implement a coordinated, APS-wide communications strategy (in consultation with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and National Archives of Australia (NAA)) that highlights the connection between integrity and recordkeeping, in line with the latest NAA guidance; articulates support from senior leadership for best practice in recordkeeping; and promotes existing training and resources to enhance capability and culture around recordkeeping, including for ministers' offices.

The Australian Public Service Commission, through the APS Academy, is also developing in partnership with the NAA an online Record Keeping Module as part of its induction program. This will include a range of case studies and scenarios to equip public servants to understand their obligations for documenting important decisions and discussions.

Government Response | Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme