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the welfare recipient.[1] The Commissioner remarked that the evidence before the Commission was that fraud in the system was miniscule, "but that is not the impression one would get from what ministers responsible for social security payments have said over the years"[2].

The social security system is a vital safety net, providing both income support and access to services for Australians who need it. Many Australians need this support at different times in their lives, for many different reasons. There is no shame in this.

The social security system safety net is also fundamental to our economy. The system allows Australians to get on with their lives in the understanding that support is available if circumstances change. This empowers people and helps build prosperity.

The Government is committed to putting people back at the centre of program design and service delivery. The Department of Social Services and Services Australia are investing in more training for officials and will seek regular feedback on service and program delivery from frontline staff and the community.

The Government will continue to implement administrative changes to improve payment accuracy and reduce the number of overpayments. The Government will also improve social security debt arrangements to ensure that debt raising and recovery practices are timely, fair and conducted with empathy and respect.

The deployment and adoption of safe and responsible automation and artificial intelligence presents significant opportunities for Australia to improve economic and social outcomes. Across society, the considered and ethical use of technology can help to deliver better services to the community, including government services.

The Government will continue to implement the Digital Service Standard, which sets out best practice principles for the inclusive, adaptable and ethical design and delivery of government services. The Standard includes criteria that promote a human-centred and inclusive approach to design.

In response to the Commission's recommendations, the Government will also consider opportunities to progress legislative reforms to ensure that government decisions involving automation are made under a consistent legal framework which is clear and transparent, while harnessing the speed, cost and efficiency benefits of technological advances in artificial intelligence and automation. The Government has committed to developing a comprehensive and consistent legal framework to support automated decision-making, consistent with the principles recommended by the Royal Commission.

The Government also remains committed to ensuring Australians have greater control over their own personal information. In the Government response to the Privacy Act Review the Government has committed to reforms that will provide stronger privacy protections while encouraging digital innovation.[3]

  1. Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme, Report, page iii.
  2. Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme, Report, page iii.
  3. Government response to the Privacy Act Review Report | Attorney-General's Department (
Government Response | Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme