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bás, death. bas (or bos), palm of the hand.
cás, a case. cas, turn.
céad (ceud), a hundred. cead, leave, permission.
cóir, right. coir, a crime.
cóiste, a coach. coiste, a jury.
, two. do, to.
fán, a wandering. fan, wait, stay.
féar (feur), grass. fear, a man.
fós, yet. fos, a prop.
í, she, her. i, in.
léar, clear, perceptible. lear, the sea.
lón, food, provisions. lon, a blackbird.
mála, a bag. mala, an eyebrow.
méar (meur), a finger. mear, quick, active.
mín, fine. min, meal.
, than; not (imperative). na, the plural article.
rós, a rose. ros, flax-seed.
sál, a heel. sal, filth, dirt.
séan (seun), happy. sean, old.
sín, stretch. sin, that.
sólás, comfort. solas, light.
súl, (gen. plural of súil) eye. sul, before (with verbs).
, a person. te, hot.