Page:Graphic methods for presenting facts (1914).djvu/253

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with a cloth tape as suggested for straw-board mounts, or the whole built up combination may be framed with picture framing but without using any glass covering. The cork composition used should be 3/8-inch thick. Maps backed with cork composition and used with glass-head pins having needle points will permit almost unlimited puncturing from frequently moved pins. If the map is mounted on cork composition the sharp-pointed pins are easily pushed in and removed, yet the record is always accurate because the pins cannot be knocked out.

Thomas G. Plant & Co., Queen Quality Shoes

Fig. 190. The Use of Pin Maps in Advertising

A large shoe manufacturing company used this illustration in an advertisement announcing that 3,800 merchants were ready to show the latest fall and winter models of shoes

In order to make the dots stand out distinctly it would appear that agencies in any State have been shown as uniformly distributed over the State. Actual exact locations would be almost impossible to show unless a much larger map were used

Numerous wall maps can be very conveniently used if they are mounted on vertical swinging-leaf display fixtures similar to those shown in Fig. 219. The two surfaces of each swinging leaf should be covered with corrugated straw-board and muslin, or preferably with cork composition in order to get a good surface into which to insert the pins. As adjacent leaves are likely to strike and break the glass heads of the pins, projecting bumpers should be placed on every other leaf to allow enough clearance for opposite pins when the leaves come in contact. The rubber-covered bumpers used to prevent door