Page:Graphic methods for presenting facts (1914).djvu/385

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Abbreviations for chart work, 345, 346

Accidents, as affected by daylight, 140
  in industrial plants, 144, 145
  on railroads of United States, 134, 135

Accountants, viewpoint of, 300

Accuracy and significant figures, 326

Acker, Merrall & Condit Co., 116

Adding machines, pocket, 325

Advertising, bead maps for, 253
  maps for, 238, 239
  use of curves for, 77, 78

Allen, William H., 250

American Jersey Cattle Club, 278

American Machinist, 335 American Railway Association, 349 American Review of Reviews, 46, 47, 229, 231 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ii, 31, 52, 54, 122, 363 American Statistical Association, 167, 176, 197 American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 5, 179, 240, 309, 353, 354, 355, 356 Analysis of sales, 188 Angle of a cumulative curve, 150 of a curve, 131 Annalist, the, see New York Times Annalist

Annual reports, corporation, 307

Apples, price curves of, 127, 128, 129

Arithmetically ruled co-ordinate paper, 132

Atlas of the U. S. Census, see Statistical Atlas

Atomizer for spraying ink, 57

Authorization for curve records, 284

Automobile exports of United States, 41,43
  factory records, 263
  factory schedule curves, 150
  sales records, 255, 264

Automobiles, comparison of, 347, 348

Averages, moving, 97, 283
  progressive, 153
  weighted, 103

Babson, Roger W., 120, 121

Bacteria in river water, 20
  in river water at varying depths, 85

Bald Eagle Valley Railroad, 67

Bar diagrams versus curves, 310

Bars combined with a curve, 54
  certain made prominent, 29, 30
  for use in comparison, 22
  horizontal, 4
  horizontal, representing time, 53
  vertical, 46, 47
  vertical, for components, 138

Bead maps, 251

Beads for map use, 247, 248
  for statistical charts, 207

Bell Telephone system, 353, 354, 355, 356

Ben Day shading, 216, 220, 331, 332
  shading on maps, 209
  work, 331, 332

Bertillon, 220

Biologists, use of curves by, 203

Biometrika, 202

Blue-printing, 328
  cards, 259, 261
  curve cards, 291, 296
  machines, 261, 296

Boards for pin records of costs, 191, 192

Bonus earned chart, 52, 54

Boston Elevated Railroad, 4

Boston Globe, 212

Boston Health Department Report, 30,109

Bowley, Arthur L., ii, 98

Breaks in drawings, 190

Bridges, drawing, upon photographs, 209

Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 103

Building construction in United States, 120, 121

Buildings, maps for showing height of, 220

Bureau of Railway Economics, 257

Butter-fat curves, 279

Camera lenses, 330

Cameras, motion picture, for time study, 50

Campaigns, political, 338

Car-floats, dispatching, 61, 62

Cars, shortage and surplus, 349

Cardboard for blue-printing, 259, 261
  models, 336