Page:Graphic methods for presenting facts (1914).djvu/388

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Gasoline-electric generator advertisement, 78

Gear teeth, strength of, 334

General Electric Review, 78, 239

General methods, 321

Geography books, 22

Gifford, Walter S., 179, 240

Gilbreth, Frank B., 50

Good Housekeeping, 21

Grammar for graphic work, 361

Graphic presentation, rules for, 362

Graphical charts, construction of, 335

Green ink, making line cuts from, 330, 331

Grolier Society, 358, 359

Grouping of component parts, 33

Grooves in cards for filing, 296

Gummed letters, 46
  tape for map mounting, 231

Half-tones from pin maps, 235

Handling freight, cost of, 184, 188, 192

Harriman, Mrs. E. H., 250

Harvard Engineering Journal, 337

Harvard University, 212

Harvard University graduates, 251

Hazen and Whipple, 95

Health-department reports, 108

Heating and Ventilating Magazine, 93

Height of university students, 165

Hewes, Amy, 167, 176

Himman, J. J., 114

Hollerith tabulating machines, 229, 230, 231

Holmes, H. W., 208

Horizontal bars, 4
  for comparison, 24
  representing time, 53

Hull, G. H., 104

Human figure in comparisons, 39

Illinois Central Railroad, 310

Illusions, optical, 358, 359

Imports and exports of United States, 37

Incandescent-lamp tests, 337

Income curves, 197

Income of technical graduates, 204

Increases shown graphically, 30

Independent, the, 21, 38

Independent variable, definition, 84

Index numbers, 100

Indianapolis Department of Health, 114

Indianapolis smoke deposits, 245

Industrial depressions, 104

Industrial Engineering, 117, 118

Infectious diseases shown in contrast, 30

Information cards, 286, 290

Ink, drawing, 46, 47, 276

Internationale Baufach-Ausstellung, 225

Inversely related curves, 126

Inverted curves, 96

Iron Age, the, 110, 119

Irregular curves, use of, 201

Isometric drawings, 333
  ruling, 167, 334, 335

Japanese road signs, 346

Jersey Cattle Club, American, 278

Jevons, Stanley, 319

Joint Board of Sanitary Control, 166, 253

Joint Committee on Standards for Graphic Presentation, ii, 363

Keuffel and Esser Company, 326

Key for charts, 360

King, Willford I., ii, 328

Labeling packages, 90, 91

Lamps, types in use, 138
  tests of incandescent, 337

Land value in United States, 218

Lantern slides for election returns, 341
  slides in political campaigns, 339
  talks in political campaigns, 340

Legend for charts, 360

Lenses, camera, 330
  cylindrical, 330

"Less than" basis for frequency curves, 179

Lettering on charts, 26, 82

Letters of appeal for money, 250
  gummed, 46

Lighter operation, chart for, 56

Line cuts from pin maps, 234
  made from green ink, 330, 331

Line thickness in reduced drawings, 242

Lines connecting different bars, 31

Loans to industrial employees, 156

Locomotive feed-water curves, 159

Logarithmic co-ordinates, 132
  paper, 334, 362
  ruling, 334
  scale for curves, 132

Lorenz curve, 197

Lorenz, M. O., 197

Lubrication cost at a factory, 256

Manufactured products of cities, 23

Map and pin systems, 226

Map copyrights, 237
  models, 225
  pins, 225
  pins used for cost analysis, 192