Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/201

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close below, with the overlying beds, has also tended to its safety.

From the summit of Laviano, I can see distinctly Calabrita, about six miles distant, situated upon a low, stumpy, jutting shoulder of the Serra Lunga, facing the north, its own small valley, running generally east and west, but extremely sinuous, and terminating the view with the lofty snow-clad summits of Monte Calvello.

Calabrita does not, to the telescope, present a symptom of injury. The priests of Laviano say, the shock there, was felt from N.W. to S.E., or 45° W. of north. It bears 68° W. of north, from Laviano, and, comparing this with Zannoni's map, gives the magnetic declination here, 15° W.