Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/228

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Years 1856. 1857. 1858.
Months B. T. H. B. T. H. B. T. H.
January 753.54 12.1 73.4 747.18 8.1 293.5 760.47 6.0 42.8
February 758.10 10.4 77.9 760.56 8.8 15.4 755.77 7.9 166.0
March 755.85 10.5 77.3 752.67 11.1 107.1
April 754.57 15.4 69.13 751.73 14.6 44.9
May 754.01 18.0 118.3 751.61 18.3 35.65
June 756.51 23.1 0. 755.56 21.3 41.7
July 754.82 25.2 11.0 756.75 25.1 21.13
August 754.76 25.8 4.6 754.36 24.8 93.4
September 754.94 21.7 80.3 757.77 21.0 73.9
October 760.18 18.5 66.1 755.14 18.7 186.7
November 754.49 10.8 116.6 758.45 12.1 57.9
December 755.74 9.7 186.25 765.28 9.2 11.3
Means for the whole year at 9 A.M. 755.64 16.7 880.9 755.59 16.1 982.6

Note.—The barometer is situated 79·911m metres above the sea. The readings are in millimetres. The thermometer is centigrade. The rainfall is in millimetres. In the last line the totals for each year are given.